Stories from people at Level 3
Below are some stories from people who are keeping active during COVID-19 by doing activities relevant to Level 3. Use the tabs to read our stories from Margaret, Mike, Margaret, Terry and Jacqui.
Level 3 on our website includes people who regularly walk (at least 30 minutes in one session), feel steady walking outside, may attend a gym, and/or engage in activities such as gardening.

77 years
My name is Margaret and after a lifetime of enjoying sport I am a reasonably fit and active 77 year old.​ ​Since the middle of March 2020 I have kept myself very busy gardening, walking and doing the Tai Chi 24 Forms.
Unlike many grandparents, I see quite a lot of my 6 year old grandson. On Mondays and Wednesdays I supervise his school lessons, which can be quite challenging mentally. Thank heavens he's not doing Year 12! During breaks we play hand tennis, or go to the park across the road to kick a football. It's amazing how quickly the skill comes back after more than thirty years.​
​As we age it's easy to put things off, and this includes being less inclined to exercise. In pre COVID-19 times I enjoyed regular classes of aqua aerobics, Tai Chi and yoga, but since these classes have ceased I find it better to allocate a specific time to go for a walk rather than let the day get away from me. While not as challenging as the other activities, walking is inexpensive and something you can do on your own. I did try Tai Chi via Zoom but now I put on a DVD and exercise at a time that suits me. ​
Maintaining fitness is essential to prevent falls and promote cardiovascular health. Inactivity can quickly undermine your strength and balance.