Information for health professionals
We know that simple functional exercises to improve balance, strength and endurance can improve function and prevent falls.
Physiotherapists, exercise physiologists and other health professionals have a crucial role in helping older people and those with health conditions safely exercise at home.
Use this website with your clients to suggest exercises, give tips for staying motivated at home and for staying safe while exercising.

Use the tabs below to find resources that may be of use in your role as a facilitator of safe exercise at home for your clients.
COVID-19 resources
Exercise and COVID-19
Exercise and physical activity recommendations for older people recovering from COVID-19 available on the Safe Exercise at Home website
Webinars on the coronavirus (COVID-19) response for the health and aged care sector
Salman D, et al. (2021). Returning to physical activity after covid-19. BMJ, 372, m4721
Elliott N, et al. (2020) Infographic. Graduated return to play guidance following COVID-19 infection. Br J Sports Med, 54(19), 1174-1175
This guidance was developed to guide athletes return to play, however the principles can be applied to safely guide other groups to return to usual physical activities.